Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Kemezys are coming to town!!!

This is just a quick post, but I can't update my blog without sharing the most exciting upcoming news-- MY PARENTS ARE COMING TO LITHUANIA IN 2 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep, I'm just a little excited!! ;) They get here Sunday, Feb 27 and stay til Monday, March 7. They'll get to see 2 home games and hopefully we are going to be able to meet up with our Mazeikai family too. Other than that, there are no huge, exciting plans, but I can't wait to be able to show them all around town and share my life here with them!!! The team is so excited to meet them also, and my parents are looking forward to meeting all these people that have become my family the past few months. All in all, I just can't wait for them to get here so I can get 2 huge hugs!!!

Lithuania and I are waiting for you Mom and Dad!!!! :)


  1. hey, I don't always read from an application that allows me to make comments, but I wanted to say that Kara and I read every blog and love doing so. Thanks for sticking with it (and being such a great storyteller!)
    They take some great pictures of you and your team while you play, win and celebrate - how do you get ahold of those?
    Anyway - sending you love from the StL!

  2. Hey Jake!! Thank you guys so much for following this!!! I know I have been terrible at updating but I'm glad that I can share at least some of my stories and pictures. I also love how great they are at taking pictures of our team (even though I take the world's worst action shots!! Ha. :) ). But I get most of them from our team or league websites:

    Hope the Simon family is doing well!! :) Can't wait to see you guys in less than 2 months!!
